Blog — Colorful Paintings

Bear Characters

Posted by Trae Mundt on

Bear Characters

I was visiting my Mom in California when the idea for a baby Bearie Blvd. Bears® character was discussed. She has always supported my art endeavors and has been my "go to" person for advice and guidance. We like to brainstorm ideas, and then it's my job to create the character and bring it to life with form and color....

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Follow Your Dreams

Posted by Trae Mundt on

Follow Your Dreams

Many of us have had challenges and struggles this past year, and by the grace of God we've persevered. We've helped our neighbors and friends, and they have helped us. With the new year beginning I want to encourage you to dream. What do you want to accomplish this year? Who do you want by your side? Where do you...

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The Making of Duet - Slideshow Video

Posted by Trae Mundt on

The Making of Duet - Slideshow Video

This little painting was so much fun to paint. I love carnations, and these carnations were given to me on my birthday by my Mom. When I was painting "Duet" an overwhelming feeling of gratitude swept over me. I have a wonderful mother. To see a short slideshow video click the link below. I hope you enjoy the video! ~...

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Our Most Valuable Treasure

Posted by Trae Mundt on

Our Most Valuable Treasure

My Bearie Blvd. Bears® paintings begin with pencil sketches. Then I apply the paint. It's always fun to watch the characters develop. With Francine I see a sweetness and innocence; she's approachable and kind. While painting Francine my thoughts were about loving the people around me. Do I really see them? Do I take the time to know them? Am...

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Best Pancakes Ever! Recipe Included...

Posted by Trae Mundt on

Best Pancakes Ever! Recipe Included...

I'm a big pancake fan! I love to cook them, and I love to eat them. One day when I was flipping channels I came across a Hallmark movie that caught my attention. We learned that the lead character absolutely loved pancakes. I sat there and a smile crossed my face. That moment inspired me to paint my dear Wilbur,...

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