Blog — Life as An Artist

Trae and Piper

Posted by Trae Mundt on

Trae and Piper

This was a special day. I don't always get the opportunity to meet my subjects. I met Piper after I drew her portrait. Piper's Mom texted me many photos. I took my time looking through them. What am I looking for? Is the lighting good? Is the expression good? Are the details that I need present? If not, I ask...

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PopTart the Penguin

Posted by Trae Mundt on

PopTart the Penguin

It was a very special day. I was looking forward to spending quality time with the Penguins at SeaWorld® San Diego. While at the Penguin Habitat, I learned that they had a behind-the-scenes Penguin Encounter Up-Close Tour for people who wanted to be closer to the penguins. As you can see we bought the tickets. It was so much fun!!!...

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Sharing Videos of Work in Progress Portrait Drawings

Posted by Trae Mundt on

Sharing Videos of Work in Progress Portrait Drawings

These past few months have been very enjoyable for me. I started making time-lapse videos of my work in progress (WIP) drawings and sharing these videos on YouTube. I love connecting with people and reading their comments. As you know, YouTube is a huge platform. I'm grateful that people have been able to find me. If you're considering taking time-lapse...

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Joy Breaks!

Posted by Trae Mundt on

Joy Breaks!

Joy Breaks! What did you do today? How did you spend your time? Regardless of what happened, when you reflect on the day's events can you see moments of grace? To me this painting of little Franky represents Joy Breaks. One of my favorite prayers to pray for my family and friends is for them to receive joy breaks from...

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My Soul Sings, Thank you

Posted by Trae Mundt on

My Soul Sings, Thank you

Do you love listening when the piano is played? I do. I was a new attendee at my church here in Las Vegas when my attention turned toward the piano and the person playing the piano during the worship songs. Every note touched my soul. It was wonderful. After service that day I went up to meet our piano player....

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