The Beginning... the Bearie Blvd. Bears®

Posted by Trae Mundt on

As a young girl I looked forward to anything that had to do with ballet. Oh, the costumes were so much fun. I loved my tutu, ballet slippers and leotards. I loved to dance. I felt free. It was a special day when my dance instructor said I was ready for toe shoes!

When I embarked on this journey to create my first Bearie Blvd. Bear® painting it was time to look at the bear drawings I sketched years ago. It was the ballet bear that caught my eye. She was the one. As you can see from my drawing the final design changed a bit. I wanted Sveta to be on stage holding a bouquet of red roses wearing her adorable pink tutu with matching headdress. Her toe shoes had to be pink... just like mine!

The joys of childhood never leave us when we take the time to appreciate the memories that make our hearts stir. To my fellow ballerinas of all ages... twirl!

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Where's the Bear Paw?®



Teddy Bear Ballerina Pencil Drawing by Trae Mundt

Sveta -  Tan Ballerina Bear Wearing a Pink Tutu and Pointe Shoes Holding Red Roses While Standing on Stage - Fine Art Print - Bearie Blvd. Bears® by Trae Mundt.

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Bearie Blvd. Bears®
Where's the Bear Paw®

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